Megan Doyle is a sustainable fashion journalist, consultant and associate director of the Graduate Fashion Foundation. She is an Aussie based in London.

As a journalist, Megan has contributed to print and online publications around the world, including Vogue Business, Harper’s Bazaar UK, the Business of Fashion, Refinery29 UK, Fashionista, Glossy, Monocle magazine, V&A Magazine, Luxury Society, and others.

Megan has moderated and participated in panel discussions for events like the Global Fashion Agenda’s Global Fashion Summit in Singapore, Westfield’s Good Festival and Graduate Fashion Week in London. She has been interviewed by BBC Radio Scotland, BBC Woman’s Hour, You and Yours on Radio 4, and Reuters about various sustainable fashion topics.

Megan writes about supply chain traceability, fashion tech, garment worker rights, textile innovation, consumer psychology, the circular economy, and much more. ​She has written two fashion industry guidebooks to supply chain traceability for the Swedish traceability tech company, TrusTrace, in partnership with Fashion Revolution and Fashion for Good.

Before becoming self-employed, Megan worked in-house for Matches Fashion, the Business of Fashion, fashion tech platform ORDRE, and the Graduate Fashion Foundation, giving her valuable experience in a wide range of sectors, from luxury, retail and fashion tech, to emerging designers and education.